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Showing posts from 2013

Glowing Leaf

Weapon> Sony DSC-H90

Paper Working

Weapon > Sony  α 3000

At it's BEST

Cute little life



Make them feel them !¡

Yellow As Sun


Above and beyond your biggest dream

"Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% percent perspiration." – Thomas Alva Edison, The inventor practical electric light bulb.

F Revolution

The true turn in the history of fashion !!

If you change the way you look at thing.....

To love beauty is to see light in darkness

The brand

Louis philippe

Glow green

Green is what we need !!

Weapon of PEACE

Go ahead


Google's latest project called "loon" related to access of internet in remote ares like high mountains , villages , deep forests etc developed under Google's secrete branch . Samsung refused proposal of Facebook to provide default app of Facebook in Samsung phones . Sony recently launched its new gaming console ps4 . Microsoft going to launch new version of Xbox .
science and technoloy Cybercrime, hacking, black mailing, fraud ,  theft and extortion; these are the first few types of crimes come into our mind when we are presented with the words “technology” and “crime”. One of the reasons might be that we all have been prone to the nuisance caused by any of these crimes at least once, as almost everyone these days has access to the computer and the internet. Crime has existed as long as humans and will only become extinct with us. Why? Because offending and violating laws is defined as crime, and laws are created by man. No one can deny that technology has elevated crime rates and has even given birth to a variety of new crimes, but has it not done enough to solve them? Before a conclusion is made, this topic will be assessed by using various examples. Cell phones, email and instant messaging have facilitated the criminals into “doing their job” by lessening their communication gap to only seconds. Criminal masterminds from different...

sometime you need to walk alone

Flashlight Stingray

Old classic

Check out "Pride and Prejudice"

A light of hope in darkness of storm

Yellow Wonder

Live free

Water Kingdom

So calm

Calm but tells us many things

Rising Beauti

set Beauti

Hope never dies

Joy Toy - 69 Ford

Play more, Live more.


Stop thinking, Start living

Sweet Bee

Small as bee, Sweet as honey


You can't stop this thing : Time


Being United

Under one roof


Light a form of life


Lets get painted in equal shades


Live while you are young


Bird In Black

Enjoy little drops

Be calm like water and enjoy little moments

Go out ....explore...!!

Simply beautiful

NATURE ...simple yet stunning


Against odds

Stand out strong

Stand alone if no one stands with you ....!¡

Be unique


Be sharp like a ray of light

Shades of nature